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The Edward Carpenter Community
For men who love men

Make a Booking

High Close Spring 2025

Langdale Youth Hostel, Cumbria

14 to 21 March 2025

This event has a waiting list
You can book onto the waiting list. We still require a payment, and will contact you when a place becomes available.
View main event page | Print a booking form

Please read the ECC event terms and conditions first, and then complete this form as fully as possible. Required information is shown by a *. Please also review our privacy policy which explains what we will do with the information you provide here.

Once you've filled in the form, click on 'Submit my booking' and you'll receive an automated email acknowledgement.

If you want to send in your booking by post instead, you can print off a Booking Form here.

The Bookings Organiser for this event is Paul Scott and he'll contact you to acknowledge receipt of your booking, but your place won't be secure until we receive your payment. Paul will let you know when your place is confirmed.

For all enquiries, the organisers can be contacted via our Contact Us page

Please remember that the men handling your booking and payment are volunteers and won't necessarily be able to send you confirmation immediately. Please be patient, especially if you send your application by post or there are special booking arrangements mentioned above.

Your name and contact details

We will use the personal information you provide here to contact you about your booking. After the event has finished, we will compile a contact address list which will be shared with the other participants. You must give your consent to allow us to do this below, and you can choose which information you wish to be shared. You can change your mind at the end of the event as the organisers will ask you to confirm your details. All other booking information you supply on this page is kept confidential.

After you have attended your first event, you become a member of ECC for life, and we will update our membership records with the latest contact details you give us here. We retain membership records indefinitely but you can ask us to amend or delete them at any time. If you do not attend the event for any reason, we will delete your booking information from our records and your membership details won't be changed.

Your name*

I consent to the following information being shared with other participants via a contact address list after the event has finished

   Most participants like to stay in touch after the event - tick this box to ensure you aren't forgotten!


Some useful information for us

Have you been on an ECC event before? *

Travel to the event

I plan to travel to the event by

Event information

I may be interested in organising the following workshops

I have the following particular needs (including any disability or access-related needs, allergy or dietary requirements)
All food is vegetarian, but please let us know now if you require a vegan or gluten-free diet, or have any other special dietary requirements. If you don't inform us in sufficient time we may not be able to accommodate special needs.

Emergency Contact

Please nominate someone we can contact in case of emergency

Their name*
Their relationship to you
Their contact phone number*


Payments for ECC events are on a sliding scale according to your income, and you are invited to pay as much or as little as you can afford. The breakeven cost for this event is £480.00 and the rates for different income levels are shown below. If you can't afford the concessionary rate, you can still book and apply for a bursary now.

Note the first £25 of your booking payment is non-returnable. See the terms and conditions for details of our refund policy.

Concessionary rate   (for people living at benefit levels) £240
Low income   (£10k to £20k) £480
Average income   (£20k to £30k) £575
High income   (£30k or more) £645
Breakeven cost£480

I will pay based on the sliding scale above
I would like to apply for a bursary
I'm a taskholder

The total amount I will pay for the event is* Payment in full is required when you book after 8 Feb

I will send my payment by*
We'll send you payment details when you've booked, or see our How to Pay page NewWindowIcon

Booking conditions

You must accept all these conditions by ticking the boxes before you submit your booking

Is there anything else you wish to comment upon?

To help reduce spam, please type the six coloured characters in this box*

Your booking application has been received.

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