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The Edward Carpenter Community
For men who love men

East Midlands

Regular group in Nottingham

Regular monthly ECC Social gatherings for men in the East Midlands are now held at:

The Pride Shop, 65 Maid Marian Way, Nottingham NG1 6AJ

The next dates are

  • Saturday 1st February at 1.30pm
  • Then first Saturday of each month at 1.30pm thereafter.

View of Nottingham City Hall

The meet-up is for all gay, bi, trans and non-binary men who love men and who subscribe to the ethos of establishing a rural community group house which would run on the principles of how Edward Carpenter lived his life at Millthorpe, Derbyshire. Whilst this dream/vision hasn't as yet happened the ECC network has spent almost 40 years organising Gay Men's Weeks in order to develop like minded community of men.

We're receiving funding assistance for the group. Refreshments will be provided and donations collected on the day to cover the cost of room hire. We're always open to ideas and contributions for future meetings.

For further information please contact Tim Blades on 07840 400470 mozi1972 [at]


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